
Veto Pro Pac | Accessories Vpp-Mp2X Medium Tool Pouch Black

$ 151.00 $ 67.00

Vpp-Mp2X Medium Tool Pouch Black…

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SKU: A54272 Categories: , Tag:


The MP2X is a medium-sized tool pouch with both a leather Pocket Stuffer, that easily slips into pants pockets for a quick retrieval, as well as wire-formed clip for securing to belts and Veto tool bags. Ideal for a minimum amount of electrical or networking tools the MP1X features 7 main pockets sized for linesmen’s, needle nose or snips or drivers. A pair of thru-pockets on each accommodate long shank or handled tools and 4 pen-sized pockets complete the sides of the pouch. The MP2X is topped off with a stainless steel tape measure clip. Features 11 Vertical pockets 2 through pockets for long shanked tools Back pocket Pocket Stuffer Electrical tape strap 2 D-rings Wire-formed and nylon plastic belt clip Stainless tape clip Leather and synthetic fiber construction


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