
Trend | Hand Tools Tre-E|Scribe Easy Scribe Scribing Tool

$ 72.00 $ 34.00

Tre-E|Scribe Easy Scribe Scribing Tool…

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Trend Easyscribe scribing tool Hand-held scribing tool for architrave, skirting, scribing doors, scribing worktops, setting hinge recess depth etc. Features Articulated arm allows the required offset to be set precisely from 1mm to 40mm giving full flexibility. Use for a multitude of applications including hanging doors, installing worktops, plinths & skirting, architraves, flooring, window boards, paneling, shop fitting and tiling. Can be used as a marking gauge. Thin guide plate (0.5mm) for access into narrow gaps ensuing full versatility. Flat base ensures object surface remains in contact ensuring a consistent scribe. Knurled foregrip sliding steel guide plate allows up to 50mm projection. Thumb wheel fine adjustment. Marks narrow pencil line of 0.7mm width ensuring accuracy. Spare graphite refills available. Patent pending EP11754466.8 and US13/768,173. Specifications Graphite width= 0.7mm Graphite grade= 2H Product Includes: 3 x Graphite leads


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